I am a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University at Albany SUNY. For the Spring 2024 academic semester I was on sabbatical visiting the University of Oxford, VU Amsterdam, and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences.
Before arriving in Albany in 2017, I was a postdoc at Duke University for three years under the mentorship of John Harer, Ezra Miller and Sayan Mukherjee.
I completed my PhD at the University of Pennsylvania in May 2014 under the direction of Robert Ghrist. I also spent half of my graduate career as a visiting associate to Bob MacPherson at the Institute for Advanced Study, where I learned stratification theory from Mark Goresky.
My research is primarily in the development of theoretical foundations for Topological Data Analysis via sheaf theory and category theory.
Click here to view my CV. Updated November 5, 2023.
Recent Activity
- July 30, 2024: My contract with NASA is extended through November 2024.
- June 6, 2024: Stability and Approximations of Decorated Reeb Spaces is published online as part of the SoCG 2024 proceedings.
- May 16, 2024: A Sheaf-Theoretic Construction of Shape Space is published online.
- May 13, 2024: My two Aeroconf papers from this year were published on IEEE Xplore
- Network Storage Analysis via Semiring Geometry by William Bernardoni, et al.
- A Proposed Clock Synchronization Method for Solar System Internet by Michael Moy, et al.
- May 10, 2024: Gave the inaugural lecture—To Predict is NOT to Explain—in the Mathematical Methods in Data Science Series, organized by the Math Lab at MPI MiS.
- May 1, 2024: My position paper Topological Deep Learning is the New Frontier for Relational Learning is published online as part of the proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), to be held in Vienna, Austria.
- April 16, 2024: Gave the Stochastic Topology and its Applications Seminar at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MiS) on Algebraic and Geometric Models for Space Communications.
- March 20, 2024: Gave the General Mathematics Colloquium at VU Amsterdam on Algebraic and Geometric Models for Space Communications.
- March 4, 2024: Gave an invited 2-hour guest lecture as part of Bronstein’s Geometric Deep Learning course on Equivairance, Topology, and Sheaves.
- February 27, 2024: Led a discussion on Categorical Deep Learning: Review and Reflections to the Oxford Computer Science Department.
- February 16, 2024: Gave a new talk—Sources of Symplectic Geometry: From Dynamics to Linear Algebra—to the Oxford reading group on Topological Persistence in Geometry and Analysis, organized by Vadim Lebovici and Luis Scoccola.
- February 5, 2024: Stability and Approximations for Decorated Reeb Spaces was accepted to the 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG) to be held in Athens, Greece!
- February 2, 2024: Gave the Oxford Applied Topology Seminar (OATS) on Algebraic and Geometric Models for Space Communications.
- January 13, 2024: Arrived in Oxford to spend Hilary Term auditing Prof. Bronstein’s Geometric Deep Learning course while hosted by Prof. Nanda at the Mathematical Institute.
- November 29-30, 2023: Gave a Topology Seminar and a special talk to the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (NAAC) working group at the University of Washington in Seattle.
- November 27, 2023: Gave a talk on Algebraic and Geometric Models for Space Communications at PNNL in Seattle, WA.
- November 13, 2023: Two conference papers conditionally accepted to the 2024 IEEE Aerospace Conference.
- November 9-10, 2023: Gave a Department Colloquium and a Topology Seminar at the University of Rochester.
- September 10, 2023: Gave a 45-minute invited lecture at the Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS on Inverse Problems in Topological Data Analysis.
- September 4, 2023: A Sheaf-Theoretic Construction of Shape Space is accepted to Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM)!
- June 28, 2023: First option year of the NASA Glenn Research Center contract is exercised! This will support my research group for the coming year.
- June 18, 2023: Topologically Attributed Graphs for Shape Discrimination accepted as a full length paper to the Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Machine Learning (TAGML) Workshop as part of the 40th International Conference in Machine Learning (ICML). Florian Russold will speak in Hawaii.
- June 9, 2023: From Trees to Barcodes and Back Again II accepted to Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications!
- May 5, 2023: Gave an invited seminar on Algebraic and Geometric Models for Space Networking at the CUNY Graduate Center in Manhattan.
- April 20, 2023: President Havidán Rodriguez approves my tenure case!
- April 18, 2023: Convergence of Leray Cosheaves for Decorated Mapper Graphs accepted to the Young Researchers Forum (YRF) for SoCG 2023! Florian Russold will present in Dallas this summer.
- April 6-7, 2023: Gave two invited talks at Texas State University in San Marcos
- April 3, 2023: Algebraic and Geometric Models for Space Networking posted to the arXiv!
- March 2, 2023: Delivered an invited colloquium at the Topos Institute
- February 28, 2023: Convergence of Leray Cosheaves for Decorated Mapper Graphs posted to the arXiv!
- February 10, 2023: Presented at the NASA DTN Face to Face meeting
- January 10, 2023: Gave invited talk at Persistence, Sheaves, and Homotopy Theory Online Seminar
- November 21, 2022: Session Chair and Contributed Speaker at UAlbany’s Inaugural AI Symposium
- November 17, 2022: Gave invited talk Algebraic and Geometric Models for Space Networking to the NASA DTN Working Group.
- November 15, 2022: Two conference papers accepted for AeroConf 2023!
- November 2, 2022: Invited Talk at the Computational Topology 2022 Workshop at Purdue.
- October 15, 2022: Two new papers submitted to AeroConf 2023! See Research for more details.
- August 10, 2022: Served on a mental health panel for Summer Geometry Initiative at MIT!
- June 10, 2022: Presented The Universal l^p-Metric on Merge Trees at SoCG. Click here for a YouTube recording of the talk.
- May 18, 2022: Invited Talk at the AATRN Seminar and YouTube Recording.
- May 15, 2022: Invited Talk at the Western Sectional Meeting of the AMS.
- May 11, 2022: Tung Lam passes his candidacy exam and is now ABD!
- April 27, 2022: How Many Directions Determine a Shape and Other Sufficiency Results for Two Topological Transforms has finally been accepted to Transactions of the AMS!
- April 19, 2022: A Sheaf-Theoretic Construction of Shape Space is posted to the arXiv!
- March 26, 2022: A Lattice-Theoretic Perspective on the Persistence Map is accepted to the Young Researchers Forum (YRF) of SoCG 2022! Brendan Mallery will present in Berlin this summer.
- March 22, 2022: I was nominated for the Torch Faculty/Student Engagement Award!
- March 1, 2022: A Lattice-Theoretic Perspective on the Persistence Map is posted to the arXiv!
- February 9, 2022: The Universal ℓ^p-Metric on Merge Trees is accepted to SoCG 2022!
- January 21, 2022: Gave “Exemplars of Sheaf Theory in TDA” as a plenary talk at UF TDA 2022.
- January 18, 2022: Gave a talk on “Metrics and Stratifications in Modern Applied Topology” in Dranishnikov’s Topology and Dynamics Seminar at the University of Florida.
- December 22, 2021: The Universal ℓ^p-Metric on Merge Trees posted on the arXiv!
- November 16, 2021: Three conference papers accepted to AeroConf 2022! For more details, see the the Conference Papers Heading under Research. Unfortunately, due to ITAR issues, distribution of these papers was delayed to March 2022, but can now be accessed here.
- November 12, 2021: Decorated Merge Trees for Persistent Topology accepted (with minor revisions) by JACT.
- October 15, 2021: Gave the opening Applied Topology seminar at Oxford: “Exemplars of Sheaf Theory in TDA”.
- August 27, 2021: Robert Cardona passes his candidacy exam and is now ABD.
- July 26, 2021: From Trees to Barcodes and Back Again II is posted on the ArXiv.
- May 14, 2021: Jordan DeSha successfully defends his PhD dissertation Inverse Problems for Topological Summaries in Topological Data Analysis. Congrats, Jordan!
- March 29, 2021: Decorated Merge Trees for Persistent Topology is posted on the ArXiv. Click here for my DMT poster.
- January 27, 2021: The ATiA Seminar now has a new website!
- October 8, 2020: Prof. Curry secures a five year contract with NASA Glenn Research Center valued at $650,000 to work on TIMAEUS: Topologically-Influenced Methods for Ad hoc, Evolving and Uncertain Systems.
- June 24, 2020: Classification of Constructible Cosheaves has been published in Theory and Applications of Categories (TAC).
- May 24, 2020: Moduli Spaces of Morse Functions for Persistence has been published in the Journal of Applied and Computational Topology (JACT).
- April 29, 2020: A Relative Theory of Interleavings is posted to the ArXiv.
- October 3, 2019: Prof. Curry is recognized by UAlbany for his NSF CRII Award.
- February 7, 2019: The Fiber of the Persistence Map for Functions on the Interval is published in the Journal of Applied and Computational Topology (JACT).
- January 30, 2019: Prof. Curry is awarded $174,074 by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for his proposal Enriched Topological Summaries for Inverse Problems.
Please email me at jmcurry [@] albany [dot] edu