The University at Albany SUNY is an R1 university with a group of faculty and students interested in topological and categorical methods in applications outside of mathematics. To facilitate open discussion of ideas and mentorship of our graduate students in this area, I maintain an informal email list and seminar called ATiA, which stands for Applied Topology in Albany, that meets most weeks. If you would like to speak in our seminar or be added to our email list, please send me an email.
See our new seminar webpage on GitHub!
Below are some photos of our group members and visitors throughout the years, with most recent photos first.

From left to right: PhD students Brendan Mallery (Tufts & UA), Jordan DeSha (UA), Benedikt Fluhr (TUM) and Professor Justin Curry (UA)

From left to right: PhD students Robert Cardona (UA), Jordan DeSha (UA), René Corbet (TU Graz) and Professors Justin Curry (UA) and Mike Lesnick (UA)

Left to right: Professors Mike Lesnick (at the time at Princeton before UA) and Justin Curry (UA)